Friday, October 4, 2013

New Art Installations at UNI

Photo by Pat Beck
Installing Peter Drake's Shell-Shock in Redeker Center at UNI, an Iowa Art in State Buildings project purchase.

 Photo by Pat Beck
 Complete! Me to the left, Diane Morris and Peter Colver to the right.

An installation view of Myth & Narrative: It's All in the Telling, a UNI Permanent Art Collection exhibition co-curated with my buddy Dr. Charles Adelman. The two standing works are centuries-old vellum leaves. The one to the left is a partially finished Gregorian chant, and the one to the right is a page from the bible in the chapter Exodus. The Morris/Colver team formatted them this past summer.

Newly formatted UNI Collection works installed on the main floor of Seerley Hall at the request of the new UNI President. To the left is a David Delafield print, and to the right through the opening is a large painting by Michael Boyd.

A view at the opposite end (south) of Seerley Hall's main floor. To the left is a large painting by Michael Boyd, and to the left is a print by Robert Riseling.

The great halls of the University of Northern Iowa are brightening up each passing day!

1 comment:

  1. Great installation, as always, Darrell! The pairing of works by Boyd and Riseling is especially striking.
